[bible-reading-plan reading_plan=”mcheyne” source=”dbp” version=”ESV”]

Jubilee Acts of Kindness

Jubilee Acts of Kindness is a means to carry out the gospel of our Lord Jesus to win many souls to the kingdom through acts of mercy and kindness.
We envision spreading the gospel by meeting needs in our community.
It is an outreach to communities and nations; to draw men and women to the light of the Kingdom and to empower their lives.

JAK Events

Community Outreaches – Food and clothing distribution to communities in need
Empowerment Seminars – Seminars to empower the individual and the community by providing tutelage and expert advice regarding important subjects such as finances, health and relationship.
Back To School Campaign – School supply distribution to children in the community at the beginning of each school year



Jubilee Christian Church In’t

4809 Prospectus Dr.
Durham, NC 27713
(919) 383-7100