Let's Pray

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Need Prayer?

Please leave your prayer request(s) using the form below and we will also glad to pray for you.

If you need someone to pray with you, leave your number and one of intercessors will call.

Matthew 18:19 (MSG) ‘When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action.’

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Church Address

4809 Prospectus Drive, Durham NC 27713

Contact Information

Tel: (919) 484-0707
Fax: (919) 484-0144
Email: info@jubileenc.org

Service Times

Prayer Meeting: Tues 11AM
Bible Study: Wed 6PM
1st Service (TNL): Sun 9AM
2nd Service: Sun 11AM
Jubilee Night: Last Fri of the Month 10PM